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In a previous post, I recounted the number of full CD albums I listened to in 2006.  For some reason music fans/collectors seem to love these sort of stats (at least the geekiest of us do) and there are many online databases designed to track such things (witness iTunes Registry and last fm, just to mention a couple).

Anyway, I think I'll start posting monthly progress reports to track my listening habits over the course of the year (I don't know; I'm just bored even though I have plenty of other things I could be working on right now).  Okay, in January, I listened to 104 full albums — the majority in either iTunes or foobar (for lossless FLAC files) on the laptop with a small number (three) being listened to on my iPod.  Only 10 were from actual CD's played on the stereo!

The clear winner in the most-played artist category was Eric Clapton with 12 albums played (well, I counted attending his Bangkok concert as one disc — is this cheating just a bit?).  I played the two discs of his 7 July 2006 concert in Lucca, Italy, twice — once in foobar just after downloading and again for Tim and Nadia in the living room as concert-prep.

Other frequently-played performers:

I also played ten "various artists" compilations; these were mostly iTunes playlists of music downloaded from certain mp3 blogs.

There were very few repeat plays of any one album.  I already mentioned the Eric Clapton Lucca show.  The others (with two plays each) were Volume 19 of an "h Years" Marillion compilation I made (this one covers the beginning of 2004) and disc 3 of The Platinum Collection by Genesis.

And now I go back to working on something a bit more "constructive"...
