The drought here in New Mexico is especially bad so far this year and we've already had a number of large grass and forest fires. Just a week ago, there was a massive fire on the south side of the Isleta Reservation just outside of Albuquerque which jumped the Rio Grande. It's so bad that statewide water restrictions go into effect tomorrow and we are under extreme fire prevention measures with campgrounds and hiking trails being closed. Usually, you don't see these types of events until well into the summer months. When they interview residents of the East Mountains and other areas on the evening news, it seems many are just plain scared of the dry conditions. All it would take for a major disaster would be for someone to toss a cigarette out their car window. Given how bad we had it here in Albuquerque last year, I think it's just a matter of time before a big fire gets out-of-control in the center of the city (the bosque fires a couple of years ago along the river through downtown proved how vulnerable that area is...).