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The past several nights, I've been awaken in the middle of the night by something large hitting the sliding glass doors to my hotel room. Tonight, I stepped outside to investigate and was almost hit by the largest cicada I've ever seen! It was almost as big as a hummingbird and twice as erratic, flitting back and forth between the left-on porch light and my door. Mystery solved...

The light also attracted a few other exotic creatures such as a giant lizard. A good reason to stay inside at night as I'm not a fan of creepy-crawlies unless they're at a considerable distance...

One can buy a second-hand Phuket-style tuk-tuk for around 2000 baht ($50): they're made by Diahatsu. If I could figure out how to ship one home, I'd be very tempted. I think it would make for a unique way to drive around Albuquerque or Portland...

I really love the ice-cold wet towels you are given before meals in most restaurants and on airplanes in this part of the world. Other warm locations should adopt this little service tradition...

It's difficult to get totally "comfortable" here; I'm either too hot or too cold. At night, I constantly alternate between turning the air conditioning (which is on the Arctic side of freezing) off and on. As soon as I go outside, my shirt and pants (usually just swimming trunks) are soaked to my skin - I don't even notice that anymore. Even if you go into an air-conditioned shop or restaurant, you never totally cool down. You do get used to it...

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