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I will be VERY glad to get out of this city for once again I've been the victim of crime.  I just went out to my car (parked right in front of my apartment at the end of the sidewalk) to drive up and check my mail only to find the glove compartment open, it's contents strewn across the front seat, plus the rear seat-backs pulled out and everything that was in my trunk was all over the back seat.  The doors were all unlocked and I'm certain I locked the driver-side door when I returned from shopping last night (and I certainly wouldn't have unlocked the passenger door — the rear doors have "child-proof" locks).  Luckily, I don't keep anything of value in my car but I'll have to check in the morning (when I can see) to make sure none of the tools were taken from the trunk.

I have a good feeling that this was done by one of my neighbors; I've had problems with a couple of different tenants since they moved in last year and complained repeatedly to security and the landlords.  Strange that this occurred now rather than when I was gone for a month.  I certainly hope that whoever it was that broke into my car doesn't go after my apartment; I've already been down that road...

Part of the problem at this complex is that ever since they changed management a few years ago, the level of service has been on a steady decline.  I haven't seen a single security patrol since I've returned from Thailand, in fact.  I previously mentioned that the lights on the front of my building (and the neighboring one) no longer work; I tripped on a sidewalk step a couple of weeks ago and fell again at the same spot just a few nights ago.  Last week, the pipes in the bathroom above mine burst causing a bad leak in mine — they replaced a pipe upstairs but have yet to repair my bathroom ceiling despite repeated calls to maintenance (when I move out, they'll probably try to charge me for water damage since it's not listed on the move-in document...).  The list goes on and on...

This sort of personal violation really makes me upset and paranoid.  I can't wait until I start moving my stuff into storage (I've begun throwing things out and putting other things into banker boxes); although I haven't purchased my plane tickets yet, I plan to arrive in Phuket on April 10th — two months and two weeks to go...
