After doing a bit of research on Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, I decided the latter would be a better place for Tim and I to go and apply for a multiple-entry Non-Immigrant (O) — the so-called "marriage visa." I just booked our airline and hotel reservations for the end of this month and managed to get some fairly good deals. I did screw up a bit, however, in that we fly out of Phuket the morning of October 30 — the day after my current visa-on-arrival stamp expires. Rather than risking the overstay fine & passport notation (may or may not be imposed), I think I'll try to get an extension at Patong Immigration the Friday before our trip. Having an overstay on record could possibly be grounds for them to deny my Non-Imm visa application (depending on the mood of the officials on the day I go to the embassy); getting an extension (which is in no way guaranteed) is cheaper and easier than changing the reservations. At least that's what I've been advised...
At any rate, Tim and I are looking forward to visiting someplace different.